Show Your Gratitude: 30-Day Photo Festival

Have you heard the buzz? Grateful people are happier people. It seems every where I turn, experts are espousing how being grateful is associated with healthier, happier living. And what do these experts recommend we do to become more grateful? Keeping a gratitude journal. I tried that. Have you? More than once, I’ve followed the advice to “write down 5 things you’re grateful for” at the end of the day. I can even picture the hard-covered pink journal I got specifically for this purpose (and the abundance of empty pages still in it). It’s not that I couldn’t fill the journal–I could fill up countless pages with things for which I’m grateful. In fact, I think I am more thankful now than ever before. I start the day by giving thanks (for waking up…) and end the days giving thanks (for this pillow…). And at dinner, we share three things we are thankful for that day.

Still, I want to try to build a regular, concrete gratitude practice. After all, gratitude is the bedrock of wholehearted living. If you’ve seen any of my posts, you may have noticed that I frequently share photos of things that inspire gratitude in me. So, it struck me–why not make that my regular gratitude practice? A gratitude photo journal of sorts.

And because doing things with friends motivates me and helps me stick with it, will you join me? For the 30 days of November, let’s share just one photo each day of different things that inspire gratitude in us. That’s it. Super simple! Super fun! I know most of us are on our smartphones every day, so it couldn’t really be any easier: look around, snap a pic of one thing you’re thankful for, and post it in the AWL private Facebook group. It can be something as little as your left pinky toe or as plain as the carrot you’re cutting for a snack. This is not a contest — there will be no judges! It’s not meant to be challenging (we’ve all got enough going on right now)…the point is for it to be super simple and super fun!

Still doubtful? Try it right now. Look around. What are you grateful for? Point, shoot, post. Done!

Here’s mine:

See? Simple. I hope you’ll join me for the first ever Show Your Gratitude: 30-Day Photo Festival! Let’s show each other our gratitude!

Here’s the link to the FB group:

Questions? Here are the general guidelines:

  • Post one (1) photo of something you’re grateful for each day (Nov. 1-30).
  • Each photo must be different — no repeats, please!
  • Photos must be your own.
  • Captions are strictly optional.
  • Show your appreciation for others’ photos with LIKEs, LOVEs, or WOWs.
  • No negative feedback, please.
  • For those who find it hard to post just one photo, please no more than 3!
  • Keep it super simple and super fun!

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