1. Prompt 1 – Move more and begin my days with intentional nurture of body/mind/spirit. I recently started a morning reading/journaling practice and I hope this will enrich and expand what I am already doing.

  2. Prompt 3– Umm, sadly, no. I’m usually so focused on starting my practice that I forget to check in. I think a longer pranayama might help. I have noticed that I do feel more energized after practicing though.

  3. Prompt 25
    I think my “worst enemy” of my creativity is me! I limit myself by not letting myself to things, thinking I need to be productive and get things done at home. Or i’m afraid to do new things, especially alone. I limit myself. It’s good to recognize this and to make a commitment to break through this. I want to live a full life, not one with self imposed limitations!

    1. I’m right there with you, Ann Marie! I’d like to note, though, that you aren’t your own worst enemy–your limiting beliefs are. What a relief! We can grant ourselves grace when we recognize that it’s our limiting beliefs that are standing in the way because those can be changed. When we think of ourselves as our own worst enemies, we tend to think there is something inherently wrong with us that cannot be changed, or we go to war with ourselves. Neither one is very helpful. But weeding out our limiting beliefs and planting new, empowering beliefs is totally possible! Hopefully, the WWC is helping to do just that. This week, what is one creative thing you’d like to do? Would it be possible to cross off one thing on the “productive to-do list” and substitute this little creative activity? If that still seems too tough, make it micro–like “open my old sketchbook” or “pick one new recipe.” (Notice I didn’t say “draw for an hour” or “MAKE a new recipe.” Micro means it can be done in less than five minutes. Of course, if you get on a roll you can keep going if you want.) I can’t wait to hear what you choose to do!

  4. Wow! The journal prompts on empowerment were really enlightening and great to write on. I especially found I had a lot to write on the things I would NOT do if I felt fully in my power. It’s incredible how much my negative thoughts get in my way! I can see if I come from the perspective of feeling fully in my power, I would do more and feel I have the ability/energy to be happier, not as negative or limited in my thoughts , emotions and actions.

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